Limited Time Offer on Select Homes: Lease today and pay NO RENT until March 1st!*

*Must take possession by 1/31/2025. Call for more details!

Terms and Conditions may apply.

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Below, we’ve gathered some helpful resident resources and quick responses to any questions you might have. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please contact us at the main office.

    Air Force Privatization

  • What is the Air Force Privatization Program?

    • The Air Force Privatization Program is a government initiative which allows private sector developers to leverage appropriated construction funds and government owned property to own, operate, maintain, improve, and assume responsibility for military family housing.

  • How does privatization affect the service that military members receive?

    • Hunt Companies draws upon their private sector experience to provide first-rate services and amenities to our military families. We pride ourselves in our commitment to customer services and Randolph Family Housing promises to deliver a product that meets or exceeds the standards in the surrounding community.

  • What is the satellite policy for new homes? Existing homes?

    • Satellites on existing homes, erected prior to the transition to privatized housing, will be grandfathered. Satellites on other existing homes and new homes are not allowed without prior written approval from management.

  • What is the shed policy for new homes? Existing homes?

    • Existing sheds are grandfathered. Sheds for new homes are not allowed without prior written approval from the management office.

  • Basic Allowance for Housing

  • How does military housing privatization affect a service member’s Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)?

    • Privatization does not affect the amount of BAH that is paid to the service member. Prior to privatization, service members did not receive BAH if they lived in military housing. Under the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, all service members choosing to live in privatized military housing receive their BAH and use the BAH to pay the privatized housing provider. The rent payment (usually equal to BAH) will be automatically transferred to Randolph Family Housing at the end of each month; this process will be performed and monitored by Military Assistance Company, LLC (MAC), the world's largest processor of automatic payroll deductions for military and civil service employees. The BAH is used by the company to maintain and operate the existing housing, as well as to fund the construction of the new houses and amenities.

  • How is an individual’s BAH entitlement and rent allotment determined?

    • The government determines the service member's BAH based on the cost of similar rental property near the base, typical utilities, and his/her rank. An allotment from the service member's account is set up upon lease signing to pay rent.

  • Who is going to process the Service Member’s allotment?

    • Military Assistance Company, LLC (MAC), the world's largest processor of automatic payroll deductions for military, processes military personnel allotments. MAC systems assure payment directly from the Service Member's pay. When the BAH rates are adjusted annually, MAC will automatically update the allotment amounts; it will be a seamless for Service Members. Marine and Coast Guard Members must set up their own allotments.

  • Will BAH be counted as income? Specifically, will it affect the cost of children’s day care?

    • BAH is an entitlement and is not counted as taxable income. However, it will be included in gross income and programs based on an individual's gross income may be affected.

  • Will BAH affect the Service Member’s LES and net pay?

    • No. At the end of each month, the service member's Leave and Earning Statement (LES) will show that BAH has been transferred via an allotment equal to the monthly rent. There should be no changes to the Service Member's net pay.

  • How will rent be paid and what does it cover?

    • Your rent will be automatically paid for you through a third party BAH processor that will work with the DoD Defense Finance Office. Each month you will see the transaction on your Leave and Earnings Statement (LES). The BAH at the with-dependent rate is paid as rent. BAH includes an allowance for rent and utilities.

  • Is rent based on the size of the home or BAH?

    • Rent is based on BAH, which in turn is based on rank, not on the size of the home.

  • How does BAH work for families where both spouses are Service Members?

    • Both Service Members will receive BAH. The senior member will receive it at the with-dependent rate, while the junior member will receive it at the without-dependent rate. Under current Department of Defense rules, only the senior member's BAH at the with-dependent rate will be used to calculate the rent amount, so the family can keep the BAH of the junior member.

  • Lease Signing

  • What kind of lease does Randolph Family Housing use?

    • The lease is a standard resident agreement used by all privatized military housing and conventional (civilian) rental properties. Residents are required to sign a lease in order to reside in housing. The lease specifies the rights and responsibilities of resident and Owner The lease also sets the service member's BAH as the rent payment.

  • What happens if I earn a promotion during the lease period?

    • In the event of a promotion, the Service Member may request a move to a base house commensurate with his or her new rank. The member’s rent will be increased to match the increased BAH. The move would be voluntary and at the member's expense, and is subject to housing availability.

  • What happens if I’m demoted during the lease period?

    • In the event of a demotion, the Service Member will pay the decreased BAH amount for rent, but must notify the management office in writing.

  • Our Services

  • Who will be performing maintenance service requests for the privatized housing, and will I be charged?

    • The fully bonded maintenance staff will be resolving all service requests for the residents. Residents are never charged for the services. Typically maintenance requests are completed within 24 hours. Residents are not required to be home while the request is being completed. Click here to submit a maintenance request online.

  • How do I contact Maintenance if I have a maintenance service request?

    • You can submit a request online or contact our 24-hour a day service line at 866-532-5636.

  • Who will be providing security to my neighborhood?

    • The perimeter of the base will remain under military control, including all gate access points. The security procedures in place today will remain in effect. The Police and Fire services will remain the responsibility of the Installation and is paid for by the project.

  • Will garbage be picked up?

    • Yes. Randolph Family Housing will be responsible for trash pickup and recycling at no additional cost to the resident. Trash and recycle pick up is on Wednesdays and bulk pick up is every even Wednesday of the month.

  • Do I need to mow my own lawn?

    • Yes, all residents are required to mow any fenced in yards. Landscaping services are included for residents without a fence.

  • Resident Guidelines

  • The new guidelines require residents have no more than 2 pets, but current guidelines allow residents 3 pets. Do I have to give my third pet away?

    • No. Those residents who currently have three pets will be allowed to keep all three. Only new residents will be limited to two pets. Those residents who have three pets should inform their Leasing Consultant when they renew their leases; a pet addendum will be included with your lease packet. New residents will be limited to two pets (dog, cat, bird, or fish aquarium).

  • Do you have any breed restrictions?

    • Tenants may not board dogs of any breed including a mixed breed that are deemed "aggressive or potentially aggressive" unless the dog is a certified military working dog that is being boarded by its handler or trainer. For purpose of this policy, aggressive or potentially aggressive breeds of dogs are defined as a Pitbull (American, Staffordshire, Bull Terrier, or English Staffordshire Bull Terrier) Rottweiler, Doberman Pincher, Chow and Wolf hybrids.

  • What are the requirements for vacating a home?

    • Written notice is required 30 days prior to your lease expiration date and should be given at your management office as soon as you are aware of your moving arrangements.

  • Watering Guidelines

  • What are the watering restrictions on base?

    • Designated watering days are based on the last digit of an address or facility number:
      · If facility number ends in 0, 1 Monday is the watering day.
      · If facility number ends in 2, 3 Tuesday is the watering day.
      · If facility number ends in 4, 5 Wednesday is the watering day.
      · If facility number ends in 6, 7 Thursday is the watering day.
      · If facility number ends in 8, 9 Friday is the watering day.
      Stage Normal Water Restrictions are:
      - Lawn/landscape watering shall be restricted to the following: Landscape watering with an irrigation system or sprinkler is permitted any day of the week between the hours of 2000 and 1000, no more than 1 inch of water to the turf/landscape at a time, Watering with a hand-held garden hose with a diameter of 1" or less, drip irrigation, or a 5 gallon or less bucket is permitted at any time of the day for short (10-15 min) watering periods, No fire hose watering unless hooked into irrigation-type system with appropriate backflow prevention. See respective Zone for approval/hook-up, New turf/landscaping may be watered to maintain adequate growth until established, Special circumstances may be coordinated and approved by the 502d Wing Commander or his/her designee and added as an amendment to this Plan,
      - Use turf/landscaping that features indigenous natural plant species.
      - Washing impervious cover such as parking lots, driveways, streets or sidewalks is permitted without runoff to avoid water waste.
      - Non-commercial washing of vehicles and mobile equipment (e.g. washing privately owned vehicles at a residence) is permitted any time. Use of an automatic shut-off nozzle or bucket of 5 gallons or less is required to prevent water waste.
       - Avoid driving vehicles over turf/landscape areas. The compacting of the soil makes the drainage of the water into the soil more difficult and damages root systems.
      Please contact the JBSA Water Conservation Manager at for reporting water abuse. Those found not abiding with the JBSA Critical Period Management Plan may face potential disciplinary measures. Reports will remain anonymous.